Enjoy Day 5

We impl (implement) some trait (aka skill) for our struct so it can have any desired skill.

trait, impl

You also can impl any trait for struct 👇.

// Just boring struct.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Animal {}
struct Human {}

// New skill. Wanna to say something?
trait Sayable {
    // This nearly like interface.
    fn say(&self) -> String; // We use String instead of &str here for no reason.

// Implement `Sayable` skill for `Animal`.
impl Sayable for Animal {
    // All animal will say meow for now. 😆
    fn say(&self) -> String {
        "meow!".to_owned() // convert &str to String.

// Implement `Sayable` skill for `Human`.
impl Sayable for Human {
    // All human kind say hi! 🤘
    fn say(&self) -> String {
        "hi!".to_owned() // convert &str to String.

fn main() {
    let animal = Animal {};

    // So we can call like this.
    println!("{:?}", animal.say());

    // Or this.
    println!("{:?}", Animal::say(&animal));

    // Now human turn (with shorthand).
    println!("{:?}", Human::say(&Human {}));

That's look like impl to struct, but this time we can implement that trait to any struct we want!

Take a way

  • trait is a skill.
  • impl is how we implement skill.
  • So impl Sayable for Animal littery mean implement sayable skill to animal. 🐈💬

Async with Tokio

We will use tokio crate for now.


name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

async-trait = "0.1.59"
tokio = { version ="1.22", features = ["full"] }


use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};

async fn sleep_2secs() {
    // Will sleep for 2 seconds.
    sleep(Duration::new(2, 0));

// This `async fn main` need `tokio::main`.
async fn main() {
    // Wait for for 2 sec.
    let now = SystemTime::now();

    // Ensure it's 2 sec.
    let now_sec = now.elapsed().ok().unwrap().as_secs();
    assert_eq!(now_sec, 2);
    println!("We have been asleep for {} seconds.", now_sec);

Async Traits

And let's use tokio with trait.


name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

async-trait = "0.1.59"
tokio = { version ="1.22", features = ["full"] }


use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};

// 👇 We need this.
trait Animal {
    // 👇 Because of this async.
    async fn sleep(&self);

struct Cat;

// 👇 Also here.
impl Animal for Cat {
    async fn sleep(&self) {
        // Will sleep for 2 seconds.
        sleep(Duration::new(2, 0));

// This `async fn main` need `tokio::main`.
async fn main() {
    // Wait for sleepy cat for 2 sec.
    let now = SystemTime::now();
    Cat {}.sleep().await;

    // Ensure it's 2 sec.
    let now_sec = now.elapsed().ok().unwrap().as_secs();
    assert_eq!(now_sec, 2);
    println!("Cat has been asleep for {} seconds.", now_sec);

💡 We also have async trait supported by async-trait lib. Official support is almost there.

Continue to Day 6 ➠