
Refer to: https://taintedcoders.com/bevy/rapier/

3 Pipelines

graph LR
  A["Pipelines"]---B["1️⃣ physics"]
  A---C["2️⃣ collider"]
  A---D["3️⃣ query"]

1️⃣ The physics pipeline

Our forces are calculated by two separate solvers:

graph LR

The overall sequence looks like this:

graph TD
  A["Wake up our islands for objects that should be simulated"]
  -->B["Handle changes we made to any colliders"]
  -->C["Handle changes we made to any rigid bodies"]
  -->D["Handle joints"]
  -->E["Detect collisions"]
  -->F["Run any queries"]
  -->G["Perform any continuous collision detection (CCD)"]
  -->H["Integrate forces"]
  -->I["Update our objects"]
fn main() {
pub fn step(
    &mut self,
    gravity: &Vector<Real>,
    integration_parameters: &IntegrationParameters,
    islands: &mut IslandManager,
    broad_phase: &mut BroadPhase,
    narrow_phase: &mut NarrowPhase,
    bodies: &mut RigidBodySet,
    colliders: &mut ColliderSet,
    impulse_joints: &mut ImpulseJointSet,
    multibody_joints: &mut MultibodyJointSet,
    ccd_solver: &mut CCDSolver,
    query_pipeline: Option<&mut QueryPipeline>,
    hooks: &dyn PhysicsHooks,
    events: &dyn EventHandler

2️⃣ The collider pipeline

A lighter alternative to the physics pipeline is using only the collision pipeline.

fn main() {
pub fn step(
    &mut self,
    prediction_distance: Real,
    broad_phase: &mut BroadPhase,
    narrow_phase: &mut NarrowPhase,
    bodies: &mut RigidBodySet,
    colliders: &mut ColliderSet,
    query_pipeline: Option<&mut QueryPipeline>,
    hooks: &dyn PhysicsHooks,
    events: &dyn EventHandler,

3️⃣ The query pipeline

Queries are how we ask about our colliders. The pipeline itself can be in one of three modes:

fn main() {
// Indicates how the colliders position should be taken into account when
// updating the query pipeline.
pub enum QueryPipelineMode {
    // The `Collider::position` is taken into account.
    // The `RigidBody::next_position * Collider::position_wrt_parent` is taken into account for
    // the colliders positions.
    // The `RigidBody::predict_position_using_velocity_and_forces * Collider::position_wrt_parent`
    // is taken into account for the colliders position.
    SweepTestWithPredictedPosition {
        // The time used to integrate the rigid-body's velocity and acceleration.
        dt: Real,

Simulating physics with Bevy Rapier

Rigid bodies

3 kinds of RigidBody

  1. RigidBody::Dynamic // a balls
  2. RigidBody::Fixed // a grounds
  3. RigidBody::KinematicPositionBased/RigidBody::KinematicVelocityBased // a player


Attach RigidBody to Collider to the same entity to make it collide.

fn main() {
// Create a simple solid ball

// Create a hollow ball from a mesh

Or just detect collisions (aka door sensor)

fn main() {

Other components we can add to affect our colliders:

  1. LockedAxes to prevent certain movement.
  2. Damping to simulate air friction.
  3. Dominance to make some objects godmode over others.
  4. Ccd to do continuous collision detection for fast things like bullets.
  5. Sleeping to manually wake up non moving rigid bodies.

Collision detection works in Rapier is in two phases:

  1. The broad phase: finds anything contacting or intersecting and flags them.
  2. The narrow phase: iterates over items found in the broad phase and calculates the collision CollisionEvent, ContactForceEvent events.

Filtering collisions

When we want to make only some things collide with each other we can choose to set a collision group by initializing a CollisionGroups component with both the membership of our group and the filter:

fn main() {
    // First argument 👇 is the membership, second 👇 is the filter
    .insert(CollisionGroups::new(0b1101.into(), 0b0100.into()));

The membership parameter determines who you are and is how others reference you. If you say you are part of group 1 then everyone who filters for group 1 will be able to interact with you.

The filter parameter determines who you can interact with. If you say you can interact with members of group 1 then any entity assigned to group 1 will produce a collision if we make contact.

0b = binary prefix.

For example, let’s say you have four groups:

Objects that can collide with walls. Objects that can collide with other objects of the same group. Objects that can collide with ground. Objects that can collide with the ceiling.

0b1011 = collide with [1 walls, 0 not collide, 1 ground, 1 ceiling]

If instead we wanted to produce the contact events but not apply the forces of the collision then we could do the same thing with SolverGroups: (aka Sensor)

fn main() {
    .insert(SolverGroups::new(0b0011.into(), 0b1011.into());

One gotcha is that by default your kinematic rigid bodies won’t collide with your fixed bodies. This is because they are not listening for the right contact events. To enable this behaviour we need to add a ActiveCollisionTypes component:

fn main() {
    .insert(ActiveCollisionTypes::default() | ActiveCollisionTypes::KINEMATIC_FIXED);


The narrow phase will produce events like CollisionEvent and ContactForceEvent but not by default. To enable this at least one of the contacted entities needs to have a ActiveEvents::COLLISION_EVENTS or ActiveEvents::CONTACT_FORCE_EVENTS component to trigger them.

fn main() {
/* A system that displays the events. */
fn display_events(
    mut collision_events: EventReader<CollisionEvent>,
    mut contact_force_events: EventReader<ContactForceEvent>,
) {
    for collision_event in collision_events.iter() {
        println!("Received collision event: {:?}", collision_event);

    for contact_force_event in contact_force_events.iter() {
        println!("Received contact force event: {:?}", contact_force_event);


  • Good car example but ammo.js: https://github.com/kripken/ammo.js/blob/main/examples/webgl_demo_vehicle/index.html
  • Perfect Rapier example but js: https://github.com/grndctrl/vehicle-canary
  • Adjustable wheel and car detail but Bevy 0.7: https://github.com/gavlig/gryazevichki
  • Weird physics fake suspension and broken Camera Bevy 0.10: https://github.com/Biped-Potato/car_game
  • Working but bevy_xpbd_3d and only box, no wheel Bevy 0.11.3: https://github.com/tbillington/driving-physics-repro
  • Should work but freezing: https://github.com/dimforge/rapier/blob/master/examples3d/vehicle_controller3.rs
  • How to make the ghost's movement respect the surfaces of the terrain. // Work with Bevy 0.10.0 but weird move.: https://github.com/shnewto/limbo_pass
  • Nice but heavy lib rebuild, some sound bug Bevy 0.11.3: https://github.com/alexichepura/bevy_garage