Enjoy Day 4

Now we need enum to replace "cat" and "duck" type from previous example.


You also can impl to enum 👇.

enum AnimalType {

// How to return string or &str from enum.
impl AnimalType {
    fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
        match self {
            AnimalType::Cat => "🐈",
            AnimalType::Duck => "🐥",

    // How to use type as a parameters, but hey!👇 what's this? 😳
    fn say1(animal_type: AnimalType) -> &'static str {
        // To survive from fn {}, we need 👆 'static to let is has program's lifetime.
        match animal_type {
            AnimalType::Cat => "meaowww",
            AnimalType::Duck => "quackkk",

    // But why this didn't need to add static here? 👇 😳
    fn say2(&self, animal_type: AnimalType) -> &str {
        match animal_type {
            AnimalType::Cat => "meaowww",
            AnimalType::Duck => "quackkk",

    // That's because `elided lifetime rules` cover that for you already!
    // Then👇 you👇 don't need to write this loooooong👇
    fn say3<'a>(&'a self, animal_type: AnimalType) -> &'a str {
        match animal_type {
            AnimalType::Cat => "meaowww",
            AnimalType::Duck => "quackkk",

    // Remember this?
    fn static_say1(animal_type: &str) -> &str {
        match animal_type {
            "cat" => "meaowww",
            "duck" => "quackkk",
            _ => "wat!",

    // Actually the longer one look like this
    fn static_say2<'a>(animal_type: &'a str) -> &'a str {
        match animal_type {
            "cat" => "meaowww",
            "duck" => "quackkk",
            _ => "wat!",

fn main() {
        "{0:?} aka {1:?} say {2:?}, {3:?}",
        AnimalType::say2(&AnimalType::Cat, AnimalType::Cat),

💡 There's more examples about Enums, and match enums.

Don't worry about &'static str or lifetimes just yet, compiler will let you know when need (usually out of { } scope ) and we will talk about it later. Let's continue on other topics.



cargo add strum
cargo add strum_macros

and get

strum = "0.26"
strum_macros = "0.26"


cargo add strum --features=derive

and get

strum = { version = "0.26", features = ["derive", "strum_macros"] }
use std::str::FromStr;
use strum_macros::{Display, EnumString};

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, EnumString, Display)]
enum AnimalType {
    #[strum(serialize = "cat", to_string = "catty")]
    #[strum(serialize = "duck", to_string = "ducky")]

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, EnumString, Display)]
enum AnimalSound {
    #[strum(serialize = "cat", to_string = "meaowww")]
    #[strum(serialize = "duck", to_string = "quackkk")]

fn main() {
    // Get AnimalType from &str.
    let animal_type = AnimalType::from_str("cat");
    println!("1️⃣ animal_type: {animal_type:?}");

    // Unwrap or assign as Unknown.
    let animal_type = animal_type.unwrap_or(AnimalType::Unknown).to_string();
    println!("2️⃣ animal_type: {animal_type:?}");

    // Get AnimalSound from str.
    let cat_sound_result = AnimalSound::from_str("cat");
    println!("3️⃣ cat_sound_result: {:?}", cat_sound_result);

    // Handle cat_sound Result.
    let cat_sound_string = match cat_sound_result {
        // Handle happy case.
        Ok(animal_sound) => animal_sound.to_string(),

        // Handle error case.
        Err(err) => panic!("{:?}", err),

    println!("4️⃣ cat_sound_string: {cat_sound_string:?}");

    // 😱 Uncomment this to experience an error and try to fix it by add Clone, Copy to AnimalSound
    // println!("4️⃣ cat_sound_result: {cat_sound_result:?}");

    // Match
    let animals = vec![AnimalType::Cat, AnimalType::Pet("snoopy".to_owned())];
    let my_pet = animals
        .filter_map(|e| match e {
            AnimalType::Pet(name) => Some(name),
            AnimalType::Cat => None,
            AnimalType::Duck => None,
            AnimalType::Unknown => None,

    println!("5️⃣ my_pet: {:?}", my_pet.join(","));

🤷 strum is not runnable via Rust Playground so output is shown below.

1️⃣ animal_type: Ok(Cat)
2️⃣ animal_type: "catty"
3️⃣ cat_sound_result: Ok(Cat)
4️⃣ cat_sound_string: "meaowww"
5️⃣ my_pet: "snoopy"

Continue to Day 5 ➠