
1️⃣ IDE and tools

  • Rust in Visual Studio Code
  • Install extra tools.
    cargo install cargo-edit    # 👈 = cargo add.
    cargo install cargo-watch   # 👈 = cargo watch.
    cargo install cargo-audit   # 👈 = cargo audit.

2️⃣ Use Cargo

💡 📦 CargoNPM = Package Manager.

cargo init foo           # 👈 Will init app name `foo`.

cargo run                # 👈 Build and Run.
cargo watch              # 👈 Watch for file change and rebuild.
cargo test               # 👈 Test the tests if has.

cargo build --release    # 👈 No debug = Smaller/Faster.

cargo add tokio          # 👈 add package named `tokio`
cargo rm tokio           # 👈 remove package named `tokio`.

💡 tokio crate make async easier.

3️⃣ Hello World

👩🏻‍💻 enter cargo init hello-world via command line.

📂 hello-world
├─ 📂 src           # 👈 keep source code in here.
│  └─ 📄    # 👈 app entrypoint.
└─ 📦 Cargo.toml

└─ 📄

// 👇 main function as an entrypoint.
fn main() {
  // 👇 macro to print something out.
  println!("hello world!"); // 👈 end with ; suffix.

└─ 📦 Cargo.toml

name = "foo"         # 👈 App name.
version = "0.1.0"    # 👈 App version.
edition = "2021"     # 👈 Rust edition.

tokio = "1.21.2"     # 👈 Added by `cargo add tokio`.

⚡️ You can now skip to 👉 enjoy coding or continue reading 4️⃣ below. 👇

4️⃣ Modules and Project structure.

🤔 What if has to many codes? Your should separate that concern to each file/folder.

🗂 App + File Module

Separate some function to each file.
📂 foo
├─ 📂 src
│  ├─ 📄    # 👈 module as a file.
│  └─ 📄     # 👈 will need utils file.
└─ 📦 Cargo.toml

│ ├─ 📄

fn main() {
pub fn hello() {    // 👈 make it public, or just pub(crate) for internal use.
  println!("hello world!");

│ └─ 📄

mod utils;          // 👈 include utils file.
use utils;          // 👈 and use it.

fn main () {
  utils::hello();    // 👈 call hello function.

Now you have too many files and want to group it into folder as a module. See below how to👇

🗂 App + Folder Module

Group related files to each folder.

See setup4 example

📂 foo
├─ 📂 src
│  │
│  ├─ 📂 utils
│  │  ├─ 📄     # 👈 entrypoint (similar to index.js in JS).
│  │  ├─ 📄     # 👈 Contain hello function.
│  │  └─ 📄    # 👈 will able to use say.
│  │
│  └─ 📄       # 👈 `mod utils;` then `use utils::say;`
└─ 📦 Cargo.toml

│ │ ├─ 📄

fn main() {
pub mod say;        // 👈 import "say" and export.

// 👇 It's look like this in JS.
// export * from say;

│ │ ├─ 📄

fn main() {
pub fn hello() {    // 👈 make it public, or just pub(crate) for internal use.
  println!("hello world!");

│ │ └─ 📄

fn main() {
use super::say      // 👈 just use. (no mod need because of super)

pub fn cast() {
  say::hello();      // 👈 then call hello function.

│ └─ 📄

mod utils;          // 👈 include utils file.
use utils::say;     // 👈 and use.

fn main() {
  say::hello();      // 👈 then call hello function.

This is better but now you want to reuse that module with other project. Let's make a library then 👇

🗂 Lib

Separate each lib as crate.
cargo init bar --lib
🗂 utils
├─ 📂 src
│  └─ 📄     # 👈 lib entrypoint.
└─ 📦 Cargo.toml

│ └─ 📄

fn main() {
pub fn hello() {    // 👈  make it pub so other can use.
    println!("hello world!");

🤔 Now you have 3 options to use it.

  • Push to github and use it like this in Cargo.toml.

    foo = { git="https://YOU_GITHUB_REPO_URL"}
  • Publish it to the internet and cargo add foo to use it.

  • Use it in Workspace which is the next topic below.👇

🗂 Workspace

aka Monorepo.
📂 workspace-example
├─ 🗂 utils
│  ├─ 📂 src
│  │  └─ 📄     # 👈 lib entrypoint.
│  └─ 📦 Cargo.toml    # 1️⃣ utils's cargo.
├─ 📂 foo
│  ├─ 📂 src
│  │  └─ 📄    # 👈 app entrypoint.
│  └─ 📦 Cargo.toml    # 2️⃣ foo's cargo.
└─ 📦 Cargo.toml       # 3️⃣ Workspace's cargo.

│ └─ 📦 Cargo.toml

utils = { path="../utils" }  # 👈 2️⃣ foo's cargo. refer to utils via path

└─ 📦 Cargo.toml

# 👇 3️⃣ Workspace's cargo.
members = [

See worksapce example


Let's continue to Enjoy ➠